Rachel Pasher Eijkenaar (Adv.) ISCI (Israel Smart Citis Institute) with Dr. Dominique Lepore and Niccolò Testi, PhD candidate, from the University of Macerata (Italy) on the TRUST project
Photo: Status Magazine
Dominique Lepore and Niccolò Testi from the Università degli Studi di Macerata (Italy) met with Intellectual Property Lawyer Rachel Pasher Eijkenaar of the Israel Smart Cities Institute, who developed the "Global Forum 4 City Innovation" platform-https://www.isci-globalforum4cityinnovation.com/, to encourage #innovation in cities from municipal employees and active residents by supporting their innovative initiatives and their personal acknowledgement.
In this context, they also discussed about the potential of #blockchain for municipalities and intellectual property, and examined the possibilities of future collaborations between all stake holders mentioned here.
Dominique and Niccolò, of the University of Macerata, are Marie Curie Fellows part of the TRUST Rise project https://trust-rise.eu/; https://www.linkedin.com/company/trust-rise-project/ , a Horizon 2020 – MSCA (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions) – RISE (Research and Innovation Staff Exchange) program aimed at understanding the role of trust in the implementation of blockchain technology and suggesting actual means of development.
The Edna Pasher PhD group https://www.linkedin.com/company/edna-pasher-and-associates/, led by Dr. Edna Pasher https://www.linkedin.com/in/edna-pasher-9057a/, is a member of this project as well, and the meeting took place in its offices. The group is also a collaborating partner with the ISCI- Global Forum 4 City Innovation.
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