An endless number of Applications were invented – mostly protected by copyrights or Trade secrets and some in part by designs and patents
פורסם: 28.6.20 צילום: יח"צ
Wow! Non of us imagined we would be part of this total, worldwide and probably historic phenomena- but here we are. Most of the human race was handed sometimes between December and March 2020, a bucket of lemons. So, all that we were all left with were two challenges:
Survive it and Make the best of it. There are different angles of surviving: physically, mentally, financially, socially and maybe more. Each is studied and dealt with by the relevant professionals. I chose to deal with the second: How to make the best of it.
Make the best of it:
There are endless ways to make the best of this new situation- Obviously – parts of the new knowledge, including findings, study results, inventions, innovations, data bases , all created to help humanity Survive it- belong also to the second challenge- Make the best of it.
Creating IP while advancing tools for survival:
Large to small organizations, businesses and private professional and entrepreneurs, that searched for tools and solutions to survive- were busy at the same time creating new assets as: Patents for new pharma products and new machines all meant to prevent the spread of Covid19 and to treat it, designs for new masks and other protection aids such as transparent partitions for public places. An endless number of Applications were invented – mostly protected by copyrights or Trade secrets and some in part by designs and patents. Many other innovative ideas- turned into plans for action- were created as well- and these are Potential Intellectual Property assets. From instructions for businesses of how to downsize and still provide their services, to ideas made into plans- of how to retain clients, to business plans to save businesses from collapsing all the way to what our homes look like and what they need in such challenging times- when so many work and live 24\7 in the same space, all the way to how employers and employees work together o overcome mutual difficulties and how would their Intellectual property assets –created within this era of unpaid leave be divided between them.

Any innovative activity can create IP
My own creation to make the best of it – is my new platform- RAHEL &FRIENDS: (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTwC99f8RRuCTosN8EOSk7Q). I chose to explore with different professionals and friends – how they use innovation and knowledge to create new assets and new opportunities for growth and development in this unique time. I explored with them, the kind of Intellectual Property they have created (themselves, for their clients or with them), in answer to the challenges Covid 19 set. I am happy to share their experiences here:
An experienced, general practitioner and business coach:
Vera Orman, Adv.– https://www.linkedin.com/in/vera-orman/:
A guided plan– proetected as a copyright worthy work –Vera created a complete plan for her clients – on how to define or redefine their business- who are they, what do they want to offer their clients, what is their special edge in their market and what is the unique service or product they offer?
Free use of parts of Intellectual Property – Vera offers her clients to share with their clients, parts of their knowledge and Intellectual Property – as their clients want to feel at such harsh times that their service or produt providers give added value- and as a teeser to cause new cliets to work with them.
Online posts- Vera wrote many Covid19 related posts- expressing her above mentioned ideas-on coping and on growing in this period- all posts are copyright worthy.
A Branding Stratagist and a Brand coach:
Eitan Kasspi– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm73ZleQsks&t=30s
Creating new content to keep clients engaged – the documented plans and tools that allow him to lead the client thorugh this process, are copyright worthy works.
The stories- The stories and content – copyright worthy works as well- are owned by the client or by him- depending on the agreements reached between them.
An example for a new story for a client within the tourist industry- suffering obviously fro a total freeze of all of the activity- Eitan offered content that the client would share with his clients- to help keep them engaged. This content included: a. stories about the love of travel b. stories about the travel destinations offered. These are to keep the clients intrested and on hold untill he skyes will open.
New brands for new times- answering the new needs created by the new challenges- proteted at Trademarks (preferably- registered ones).
Posts on social media- copyright worthy-
Including advice for content professionals- on how to reinvent brands and update them now more than ever.
An Employmet Law professional:
Liat Shushan-Barak Adv.–https://www.linkedin.com/in/liat-shushan-barak-59a4a875/
A handbook for employees – on couping with the covid19 emergency regulations-
Liat wrote a copyright worthy work- owned by her. It is a hanbook with directions for employees- on how to conduct themselves within the unpaid leave they were send on, or if they were fired. This included Q&As and also detalied actions needed to collect their unemployment payments and other directions regarding work restrictions under Covid19.
Liat offered the handbook, and more copyright worthy content to her clients- employers included- assisting them to prevent any misunderstandings with employees and any unnecassary legal conflicts.
Webinars(on ZOOM) regarding – how to cope with Covid19 within the work enviorment-
These meetings included copyright protected presentations prepared by Liat and shared online.Allcontent offere by her is copyright worthy.
Theater creator and director:
Efrat Steinlauf- https://www.linkedin.com/in/efrat-steinlauf-55a28014/
Directions and instructions regarding the translartion of a live theater show- into a theater show played online during a ZOOM meeting:
These directions included: editing of the script to fit the new mediume, planning the backround and use of props, engaging with the audience on ZOOM and more. All of these-make up work or works that are copyright worthy.
Efrat and her dedicated team of actresses performed the shows online and I was very lucky to “go” to one of them. It was an amazing expirience.
Lectures and lessons on how to translte a show:
Including all of the above mentioned tools – all of which are copyright worthy as well.
Writer and Designer of architecture books:
Orly Robinson-https://lnkd.in/deZ9bG5
Posts on social media – expressing her ideas on the implications of Covid19 on the physical home:
How houses and apartments became the space providers, for 24/7 use by all family members. How an enviorment that provided a living space only- needs to provide adiquate space for work and even for the online needs such as a quiet area fo ZOOMING and a backround within the home that fits what we would like to project as professionals while comunicating visualy as well.
All of these posts are copyright worthy.
Online meeings- webinars- mostly over ZOOM- on designing. These were created within the COVID19 period – providing for participants within their home- the posibility to enjoy conference like meetings. The copyrights on the contente are devided acording to the people that participate.
Commercial Law professional and partner in a large law firm- legal advice and assistane for clients coping with financial hardships-
Uri Milshtein – Attorney, Partner at ZAG-S&W – https://www.linkedin.com/in/uri-milshtein-194a314/
1. Legal and Business plans-This lawyer’s and this firm’s longtime acquired knowledge and experience- offered within set written plans of legal and financial recovery-was the base. These include not only his own legal advice with his legal staff but other professionals as well- economic to management consultants – all set to find the route to recovery for the harsh damages of the COVI19 period- or for a least damaging foreclosure. All of the written plans- including business plans are copyright worthy- and are owned by each of the professionals or by the legal firms according to agreements between them.
2. Legal documents drafted for the clients- for financial institutions (as banks), partners, employees, investors and creditors and when needed for the court- including referral to he Covid 19 damages that lead the client to difficulties- all are copyright worthy works.
3. Online content- such that presents the abilities of the firm and the lawyer to assist compamies at such times- are all copyright worthy works.
Yael Saidian – Patent Attorney: https://il.linkedin.com/in/yael-saidian
Check list for clients with a patent portfolio- a copyright worthy doument- offered to her clients and her potential clients- on how to asses the actions needed to manage the existing patents and/or patent applications- according to priorities- including financial priorities- in light of at times financial stress created by Covid 19.
Instructions of how to deal with a new invention- copyright worthy instructions offered to her clients – on how to start the patenting process of an invention in this unique period of time. Investors- according to her expirience- even now- are still on the lookout for intresting investments- and there is no logic in freezing all actions now. There is logic in choosing and prioritizing the territories in which applications will be filled.
Make the best of it:
As seen above- is open for any professional in any field. Through these people’s innovative activities – it is apparent that new circles of growth andinnovation open- to their clients. The- MAKE THE BES OF IT challnge has proved to be both the challenge and the answer. Intellectual Property prooves once again, to be a great tool for harnessing great ideas, and allowing those that not only thought of them, but implemented them- to concentrate on inovation and growth- even now –when coping with the Covid19 implications. Anyone in any field can make lemonade of the Covid19 lemons- and Intellectual Property delivers the opportunity for anyone that chooses to act.
Knowledge and IP:
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