יום עיון יחודי בנושא "צמיחת חברות – מסטארט אפ לחברה רב לאומית" יתקיים ב- 9.3.2014 בשעות 9:30-16:00 במלון דן תל אביב, במסגרת כנס אקדמי גדול שהפקולטה לניהול מארגנת.
ברצוננו לעדכנכם על יום עיון יחודי בנושא "צמיחת חברות – מסטארט אפ לחברה רב לאומית" אשר יתקיים ב- 9.3.2014 בשעות 9:30-16:00. יום העיון יתקיים במלון דן תל אביב, במסגרת כנס אקדמי גדול שהפקולטה לניהול מארגנת.
שימו לב שתחילה תתבקשו למלא פרטים אישיים ופרטי מייל ואז תוכלו להירשם ליום העיון עצמו (practitioner day rate).
Startup and Restart Strategies
Strategic Management Society Special Conference
Tel-Aviv, Israel, March 9, 2014
A Comprehensive Perspective:
Joint Academic-Practitioner Workshop
At the heels of the recent financial crises, nations and corporations seek policies and strategies that drive innovation, entrepreneurship and growth. Startup and restart strategies are needed to cope with these challenges and opportunities.
A full day workshop held during the special SMS conference in Tel Aviv will bring together leading academics and business practitioners in an effort to discuss key success factors and share best practices. Three panels will tackle major themes underlying startup and restart strategies.
Panel A: The Roots of Talent and Creativity
Creative and skilled individuals, along with agile institutions, are the impetus through which any entrepreneurial venture originates. This panel will explore contemporary perspectives and evidence on the role of talent and institutions in sprouting innovative regions across a wide spectrum of industries.
- Professor Alfonso Gambardella, Dean of the PhD School of Bocconi University
- Professor Gerry George, Deputy Dean of the Business School Imperial College
- Mr. Eyal Rosner, Chairman Fuel Choices Initiative, Prime Minister's Office
- Mr. Saul Singer, Author Startup Nation
Panel B: Seeding the Ventures
Access to resources and capital is critical to new venture development, whether it is an innovative startup or a corporate initiative. The panelists will showcase different approaches to funding innovative projects, ranging from angel investment through corporate venture capital.
- Professor Raffi Amit, Academic Director of Wharton Entrepreneurship
- Mr. Michael Eisenberg, Founder and Managing Director Aleph.
- Dr. Robert Strom, Director or Resaerch Kauffman Foundation
- Dr. Markus Thill, Managing Director Robert Bosch Venture Capital GmbH
Panel C: Growing the Venture and Branching across the Globe
Lasting financial and social wealth is generated by those who build sustainable organizations that can reach beyond their local and national origin. Nevertheless, many ventures strive to become acquisition targets. The panel will draw on practitioners’ account and scholarly evidence to debate alternative growth paths.
- Mr. Meir Brand, CEO Google Israel
- Professor Kathy Eisenhardt, Co-Director Stanford Technology Ventures Program
- Mr. Amir Peleg, Founder & CEO Takadu
For more information visit: http://telaviv.strategicmanagement.net/
Tags: SMS טכנולוגיה כנס סטארט-אפ